What is the truest, most beautiful life you can imagine?

I re-read Glennon Doyle's book Untamed recently, in which she talks about receiving letters from readers asking for guidance about what they know isn't working in their lives. She responds by asking them, 'What is the truest, most beautiful future you can imagine?' Her question is her way of supporting them - suggesting they turn inward long enough to acknowledge the answer that's inside them, but that they may be afraid of.

The gist of her book is that our culture puts us in cages and tells us how we are 'supposed' to be, do, act, and live. We're told we aren't enough just how we are, and so we constantly wonder how we 'should' be. We ask others what we 'should' do. She suggests that we re-learn how to be wild, and how to listen to who we really are. To instead be nudged forward by our own intuition.

Here are some questions I often hear from clients:

  • How much do other people spend on this?

  • What is a reasonable amount to spend eating out?

  • Is this a crazy thing to spend money on?

  • Am I bad/wrong/selfish/etc for prioritizing this in my life?

To any question like this, my answer is usually the same: 'What do you think?' And then, I often explain how irrelevant it is what other people spend, and that what you choose to prioritize is 100% up to you.

However, this book reminds me of a more specific, more helpful question I should ask in response:

When you think of the truest, most beautiful way you could utilize your money in your lifetime, how does your spending plan fit in with that vision?

And if you're a business owner:

What is the truest, most beautiful business you can imagine? How does this relate to you as the owner, the service-provider, and the personal vision you have for your life?

Remember, it's never about money - it's about your life.

Financial coaching is about supporting people in acknowledging their dreams and truths, making plans to get there, and then following their own path.

I've been learning a ton this year about business development and marketing with integrity. Even within our businesses, it's so easy to get caught up in what we're 'supposed' to do, but the second we stray from who we are, we know something feels off.

Earlier this month I spent two days in a CEO-retreat, learning how to make goals for the upcoming year from the most grounded place possible. It wasn't about how to grow-at-all-costs... quite the contrary. It inspired me to continue to craft a business that supported a life without burnout.

‘May our dreams become our plans.' - Glennon Doyle

My main vision for the next year is to continually make decisions from a place of my own knowing - and I wish the same for you and your money!

Thank you for reading, -Emily


Myth: "Saving money or trying to build wealth is selfish and greedy"


Remember when you wished for everything you have now?