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We won’t send you any other emails about our services.

If you’re ever interested again in the future, feel free to re-apply here.

Looking for a different coach?

If you opted out of the waitlist because my scheduling, system, or services didn’t quite seem like the best fit for you, here are some other coaches that may be a better fit.

Please tell them I sent you their way! 

  • Wave Melon: Wave has a fun and light approach to money that I appreciate, and loves helping folks live their best lives in an open and non-judgmental way.

  • Haley & Justin Brown Woods: They love supporting young millennial parents trying to sort through a growing career and growing family, who are trying to break the debt-cycle for good.  

  • Arise Financial: Arise Financial Coaching focuses on providing millennial professional women, business owners, and couples with the tools necessary to reach financial freedom. Both Nicole and Annie are seasoned coaches who's system is a great fit for anyone who struggles with spending.

  • Garret Philbin: Garrett is a gem! He loves to work with busy professionals and small business owners to help them build financial clarity, confidence, and security. Because they were rarely taught how to handle money he both helps them set up tools and systems but also acts as a non-judgmental teacher, explaining concepts and supporting them in learning what they need to know to be financially successful on their own.